We view health as the optimal state of complete physical, mental, spiritual, and environmental harmony

RQI Wellbeing & Bio Clinics

Integrative Method

RQI provides a life-changing journey that assists individuals in attaining and preserving an ideal level of well-being.

The RQI Method, our undisclosed strategy, is a means of extending one’s lifespan and enhancing the overall quality of life for the duration.

By employing it, we integrate and synchronize various fields of study to enhance and elevate the well-being of our visitors from a holistic standpoint. Our Qi method represents the utmost comprehensive approach attainable for attaining an optimal state of health and overall wellness.

The foundation of our approach lies in several key domains: wholesome dietary practices, alternative therapies rooted in nature, cognitive stimulation, emotional well-being, overall wellness, inner equilibrium, and physical prowess.

Additionally, our Qi Academy serves as a platform for acquiring fresh, health-promoting habits as part of this comprehensive package.

It is essential to incorporate a health program into your initial reservation. Furthermore, you have the option to supplement your stay with extra treatments by consulting with the agenda planner.

Our Method