We view health as the optimal state of complete physical, mental, spiritual, and environmental harmony

RQI Programmes

High Detox

Unleash the Power of Deep Body Cleansing

High Detox


7-14 days


3.190 €


The primary goal of a detox treatment is to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. This involves supporting the body's natural detoxification processes, particularly those performed by the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system.
Detox treatments not only focus on physical health but also aim to enhance overall well-being and vitality. This involves addressing factors such as stress management, emotional well-being, and lifestyle habits.
Detox treatments aim to improve the function and efficiency of vital organs involved in detoxification processes. This includes the liver, kidneys, colon, and skin. The goal is to optimize their ability to eliminate toxins and waste products from the body.
Many individuals seek detox treatments to support healthy weight management goals. Detox programs often involve dietary modifications and lifestyle changes that can aid in weight loss or weight maintenance.

Recommended for

Individuals who have unhealthy behaviors, including excessive intake of coffee, alcohol, tobacco, medications, or a poor diet, among other habits.

Individuals exposed to elevated levels of stress or pollution.

Individuals with diminished physiological capacity for detoxification.


Under the supervision and advice of our team of professionals,

we detoxify the body through:

icon/ METODOLOGÍA / Nutrición CopyCreated with Sketch.

A customized dietary plan and individualized healthcare plan.

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Our mission is to combine healthy nutrition, holistic therapies, and the latest medical advances with our exclusive bio treatments to improve people's health and quality of life.

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Our lifestyle suggestions include engaging in activities that foster the acquisition of new, beneficial habits.

One Week at RQI

Edit Content
18:00 h

Welcome & Program introduction

19:30 h


Edit Content
5:30 h

Wake-Up & Bio Formula

6:00 h - 7:00 h

Meditation (Qi Gong/Yoga)

07:30 h - 8:30 h


9:00 h -12:00 h

Activities (optional)

12:00 h

Bio Formula

12:30 h - 13:30 h


15:00 h -19:00 h

Activities (optional)

19:00 h

Bio Formula

19:30 h - 20:30 h


20:30 h - 22:00 h - Closing Circle
9:00 h - 12:00 h

Walking / Excusion / Massage (optional)

18:00 h -19.30 h

Trauma Therapy (optional)

15:00 h - 18:00 h

Reflexology (optional)

Edit Content
5:30 h

Wake-Up & Bio Formula

6:00 h - 7:00 h

Meditation (Qi Gong/Yoga)

07:30 h - 8:30 h


9:00 h -12:00 h

Activities (optional)

12:00 h

Bio Formula

12:30 h - 13:30 h


15:00 h -19:00 h

Activities (optional)

19:00 h

Bio Formula

19:30 h - 20:30 h


20:30 h - 22:00 h - Closing Circle
9:00 h - 12:00 h

Walking / Tai-Chi/ Massage (optional)

18:00 h -19.30 h

Qi - Academy (optional)

15:00 h - 18:00 h

Reflexology (optional)

Edit Content
5:30 h

Wake-Up & Bio Formula

6:00 h - 7:00 h

Meditation (Qi Gong/Yoga)

07:30 h - 8:30 h


9:00 h -12:00 h

Activities (optional)

12:00 h

Bio Formula

12:30 h - 13:30 h


15:00 h -19:00 h

Activities (optional)

19:00 h

Bio Formula

19:30 h - 20:30 h


20:30 h - 22:00 h - Closing Circle
9:00 h - 12:00 h

Walking / Tai-Chi/ Massage (optional)

18:00 h -19.30 h

Qi - Academy (optional)

15:00 h - 18:00 h

Reflexology (optional)

Edit Content
5:30 h

Wake-Up & Bio Formula

6:00 h - 7:00 h

Meditation (Qi Gong/Yoga)

07:30 h - 8:30 h


9:00 h -12:00 h

Activities (optional)

12:00 h

Bio Formula

12:30 h - 13:30 h


15:00 h -19:00 h

Activities (optional)

19:00 h

Bio Formula

19:30 h - 20:30 h


20:30 h - 22:00 h - Closing Circle
9:00 h - 12:00 h

Walking / Tai-Chi/ Massage (optional)

18:00 h -19.30 h

Qi - Academy (optional)

15:00 h - 18:00 h

Reflexology (optional)

Edit Content
5:30 h

Wake-Up & Bio Formula

6:00 h - 7:00 h

Meditation (Qi Gong/Yoga)

07:30 h - 8:30 h


9:00 h -12:00 h

Activities (optional)

12:00 h

Bio Formula

12:30 h - 13:30 h


15:00 h -19:00 h

Activities (optional)

19:00 h

Bio Formula

19:30 h - 20:30 h


20:30 h - 22:00 h - Closing Circle
9:00 h - 12:00 h

Walking/ Tai-Chi/ Massage (optional)

18:00 h -19.30 h

Qi - Academy (optional)

15:00 h - 18:00 h

Reflexology (optional)

Edit Content
5:30 h

Wake-Up & Bio Formula

6:00 h - 7:00 h

Meditation (Qi Gong/Yoga)

07:30 h - 8:30 h


9:00 h -12:00 h

Activities (optional)

12:00 h

Bio Formula

12:30 h - 13:30 h


15:00 h -19:00 h

Activities (optional)

19:00 h

Bio Formula

19:30 h - 20:30 h


20:30 h - 22:00 h - Closing Circle
9:00 h - 12:00 h

Walking/ Tai-Chi/ Massage (optional)

18:00 h -19.30 h

Qi - Academy (optional)

15:00 h - 18:00 h

Reflexology (optional)

* This schedule is simply a guideline. The order and duration of each treatment or service may vary depending on availability, the type of health programme selected and/or the needs of each guest.

Programme Content

The prices provided on this page are calculated based on the pricing structure of the RQI Boutique Nature concept. During the booking process, you will be able to select and view prices for our other concepts, including luxury 5-star and exclusive home options. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to book any additional services you may require.
  • 7 days
  • 14 days
14 days
Rehab Services
Transfer from Airport - RQI - Airport
Welcome Cocktail (Yogi Champagne)
Personal Coach
Mindfulness / Meditation
Trauma Treatment
Healthy Nutritions
Detox Cure
Bio Formula
RQI Talks in Circle (GetTogether)
Excursion (Old Town)
Excursion (Boot Tour)
Qi Academy Cooking lesson
Qi Academy Nutritional consultation
Buy Now