About ResetQi & Exclusive Formulas

At ResetQi, we understand health as the optimal state of complete physical, mental, spiritual, and environmental harmony.

Our mission is to combine healthy nutrition, holistic therapies, and the latest medical advances with our exclusive bio treatments to improve people’s health and quality of life.

Knowledge & keys

We have a wealth of knowledge and the keys to achieving overall health. Our goal is to share this knowledge with our guests through a daily program of talks, exercises (such as Yoga), walks, and conferences that can be enjoyed in a group or privately.

We want our patients to retain the knowledge they gain during their stay with us so they can pursue a healthier life.


We have a lot of experience in health and are involved in numerous research studies. One of the most important experiences we have had is that body, soul, and mind are integral to our health, and we must learn to protect our health without losing this triple balance.

This is the most valuable job we can do for ourselves, our family, and our loved ones.

We Decipher The

Code Of Nature

With over 10 years of research on smart molecules, we have discovered a unique method that leverages the power of natural enzymes and a powerful molecule. This breakthrough has given us hope that we can provide life-changing treatments for people struggling with various health issues. We believe that nature holds the key to many of the world’s most pressing health issues.